Why 1 to 1
The district’s core curriculum is either partially or entirely digital, making access to a device necessary for learning. Increasing access to technology is essential. One of the learning tools of these twenty-first century students is the use of Chromebooks. The individual use of a Chromebook is a way to empower students to maximize their full potential and to prepare them for college and the workplace.
Currently, the district provides a Chromebook in the classroom for students to use. Implementing the districts 1-to-1 Initiative allows the district to change the way devices are distributed to ensure all students have access to the digital curriculum during and after school hours.
\r\nDevice Protection Plan
Just like textbooks, team uniforms, and other school property issued to students, there is a responsibility to care for and return the property in the same condition as it was received.
- Accidents or loss may happen, even when students are doing their best to take care of their device. In recognition of this, the district will offer an optional and inexpensive annual protection plan for parents/guardians to lessen the financial burden.
- The Device Protection Plan annual fee is $20.00. Families qualifying for free or reduced meal prices are eligible for a discounted rate of $10.00.
- Students enrolling in the district after the start of 2nd semester will receive a 50% discount on the annual Protection Plan fee.
- Families with multiple children will only be required to pay two protection plan fees to cover all district devices within the family.
- The Device Protection Plan covers the full cost of repair for the first claim of accidental damage as well as theft and 50% for damage or loss due to negligence. The second claim is covered at 50% of the cost of repair for accidental damage or theft. For claims beyond the second claim students are responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement.
- All North Franklin School District owned devices must be returned at the end of the school year or when the student exits from the district.