June 30, 2020
Good afternoon NFSD Neighborhood, Reopening School Update \r\n North Franklin School District administrators and their building level leadership teams are continuing to review ...
June 19, 2020
Good afternoon NFSD Neighborhood, Last week the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction posted the requirements for reopening schools in the Fall of 2020-2021. The ...
June 12, 2020
\r\n Good afternoon NFSD Neighborhood, \r\n On Thursday, June 11th, State Superintendent Reykdal announced that he expects schools across the state of Washington to reopen in the...
June 5, 2020
The North Franklin School District’s priority is to put the needs of students, families, and staff first and education always. We are an educational organization, that’s what we...
May 26, 2020
\r\n Good afternoon NFSD Neighborhood, \r\n 3 - 2 - 1!!!!! \r\n I never do a countdown as the school year winds down, but this is quite a different year and it calls for differ...
April 23, 2020
Good afternoon NFSD Neighborhood, \r\n This week the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal, provided new rules on student grading and communicated those out ...
April 10, 2020
Good afternoon NFSD Neighborhood, Monday afternoon, April 6th, Governor Jay Inslee announced that public schools in Washington would be closed to students for the remaind...
April 3, 2020
Good afternoon NFSD Neighborhood! We're almost done with 3 weeks of school closure because of the COVID19 response. Last night the Governor extended the "Stay Home, Stay Health...
March 16, 2020
\r\n Dear Connell High School Students and Parents, \r\n As all of you know by now, schools statewide have been shut down. This is information from Mr. Jacobs’ letter late Friday...
March 13, 2020
Dear North Franklin School District Community, I have a difficult announcement to share with you all today. Following the executive order issued by the Governor of the State o...
March 11, 2020
\r\n Update (3-11-20) \r\n In an effort to keep our community well informed, a staff member from Mesa Elementary School self-quarantined at home due to flu-like symptoms and due ...

February 4, 2020
Outstanding high school music students from across Washington have received top honors by being selected to participate in one of the 2020 WMEA All-State performing Groups. Vaness...

January 21, 2020
(Board Members: Terry Utecht, Kara Booker, Pat Hailey, Patti Walker, Jon Fox) By proclamation of the governor, January is School Board Recognition Month. It’s a great time to r...
January 15, 2020
Worksource Economic Security for All Initiative program helps people of Connell and surrounding towns either get employed or receive better-paying jobs. Along with their partners...
January 15, 2020
Check out this article published by the Washington Education Association featuring Rebecca Estock, Intervention Teacher at Connell Elementary, who was recognized last year for the...
October 30, 2019
Dear Parent/Guardian:\r\n \r\n In order for us to continue to improve as a school district and as a school, it is important for us to know how our parents/guardians regard the j...
October 22, 2019
\r\n Parents, \r\n \r\n During conferences parents will be able to ask questions and turn in paperwork about the Chromebooks roll-out. In order for students to receive a device...
October 17, 2019
\r\n Why 1 to 1 The district’s core curriculum is either partially or entirely digital, making access to a device necessary for learning. Increasing access to technology is es...
October 11, 2019
At North Franklin School District we make every effort to post up-to-the-minute school closure information due to inclement weather or any circumstance that would delay or cance...
October 3, 2019
\r\n Parents of CHS & OJH Students, \r\n As you may have heard our district is going to go one-to-one at both the junior high and high school. What this means is that the distri...